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Most Liberal Blogger on the Web I would like to take this moment to congratulate conservatives: You have been utterly successful at overturning nearly a thousand years of political, economic and social progress by redefining the langauge. Definitions of liberal on the Web: a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties Hmmm... reform, tolerance, progress? When did all these things become bad ideas? Well, the answer is, they haven't. They are still as important and vital to a healthy democracy as before. Even most conservatives, while they try to drag us back to the "good ol' days" of the Dark Ages still pay lip service to freedom and liberty while they support people that are working to erode those rights. Remember this very important fact: Conservatism was an anti-liberal movement that opposed the secularization of government, governance by the people for their own welfare, the freedom to explore scientific issues without fear of persecution, the freedom to worship according to your own personal choice, the freedom to express your opinions, the freedom to speak truth to power, the freedom of movement, and the freedom of thought. This country was a result of freedoms won by liberals and enshrined in our government documents. The results have been fairly spectacular. So much so that we feel we should export them to Iraq. Even if we cannot come out and use the rightful term to describe ourselves, we can remained satisfied that our values have been victorious. I'll accept a loss in the war on vocubulary, all hail the victors! | |
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Dissolve into Evergreens