Dissolve into Evergreens
This blog used to be about politics. Not so much anymore as I have worked through my fascination with that subject. It now seems appropriate that with a new president and the end of the Bush nightmare that I move on to new subjects that are more in line with my current interests. I may still occasionally express an opinion about political matters but for the most part I will be commenting on music, photography and personal observations. Thank you for reading.

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Oh Good Lord

The Oklahoma Daily - God, not education, is the answer to problems:

"If we are so intelligent and educated, then why is our society in a moral freefall? Our society no longer knows the difference between right and wrong. We do not even blush anymore when we hear about unmarried couples living together. We consider bizarre sexual behavior normal. Foul language is commonplace."


It seems to me for all our degrees and training, we are not any wiser. We are a nation of educated fools. There is indeed hope, but in our search for salvation, we must stop looking to education and start looking to the true savior, who is in heaven.

If you've read this blog with any regularity you know what I think about this issue, but I'll try to make some new points.

I challenge the idea that we are educated. In fact, we are woefully ignorant of the technologically advanced world around us and even more ignorant of the philosophical thinking that leads to a free secular society. However I don't think that simply educating people will solve all our problems. That a senior history student can make the argument that the world will be a better place if we all believed in god makes my point better than any text I can punch out here.

Did he skim the chapter on The Inquisition? Decide to do "History of the Dark Ages" pass/fail?

We are living in a time where we are seeing the consequences of unchecked fundamentalism. Education, openness and tolerance are countervailing forces to fundamentalism. We were counting on the educated secular base in Iraq to fuel the drive to democracy. But that educated class has been overwhelmed by the children of the sanctions era. Isolation and hardship are the lifeblood of religious fundamentalism. Religious leaders make the claim, similar to the one above, that we ourselves, have no power to change our lives, so we must put power in the hands of god, and by that action, the religious leaders themselves.

"Hello, get me the Grand Ayatollah Al-Sistani please...."

The problem of course is much deeper than we all think. You see, people cussing, having kinky sex and choosing who they want to live with and how they want to do it are all consequences of... you guessed it:

A free society!!

And he is right about one thing, education will NOT cure that problem, religion just might. And if I had the choice I'd go have some fucking kinky sex with my live in girlfriend.

But I need a girlfriend first.

god help me.

(Thanks to Okiedoke for the link to the origial article)


About Me

35 yr old
Highlands Ranch
Recording Engineer
Voted for Kerry
Voted for Obama
Philosophical Type
Omicron Male
Feminist Friendly
22.3% Less Smart

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