Dissolve into Evergreens
This blog used to be about politics. Not so much anymore as I have worked through my fascination with that subject. It now seems appropriate that with a new president and the end of the Bush nightmare that I move on to new subjects that are more in line with my current interests. I may still occasionally express an opinion about political matters but for the most part I will be commenting on music, photography and personal observations. Thank you for reading.

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Dividend Voodoo (washingtonpost.com)

Now the Senate says that dividends should be tax-free to recipients. Suppose this measure goes through and the directors of Berkshire Hathaway (which does not now pay a dividend) therefore decide to pay $1 billion in dividends next year. Owning 31 percent of Berkshire, I would receive $310 million in additional income, owe not another dime in federal tax, and see my tax rate plunge to 3 percent.

And our receptionist? She'd still be paying about 30 percent, which means she would be contributing about 10 times the proportion of her income that I would to such government pursuits as fighting terrorism, waging wars and supporting the elderly. Let me repeat the point: Her overall federal tax rate would be 10 times what my rate would be. - Warren Buffet

It encourages me to see people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates Sr. that seem to understand that despite their immense financial success that they are not annointed by God but are rather the recipients of a system that isn't always just or fair, and the only reasonable way to be rich is to understand that its more about stewardship of assets and less about ownership. Can one person really expect to own so much of the world with a clear conscience?

Some people really believe in capitalism and free markets. Many have come to detest the crony nature of the market here in America and the distorting role that people with money have in manipulating what should be a fair playing field. I respect that opinion because I can see where capitalism can be a good idea if executed with restraint and with none of the built in wealth protection schemes that we have now. I see inheritence as a cancer in a capitalist system, and in this regard I am in the company of Bill Gates Sr. who has fought the latest attempts to repeal the estate tax.

Here's Bill Gates Sr. and Chuck Collins, an heir to the Oscar Meyer fortune on NOW with Bill Moyers:

MOYERS: Are we living in a new gilded age...do you fear that we're living in that kind of time again?

GATES: I do. I do. You know, the data is very clear. We have this enormous accretion of wealth in the top levels, and it's hugely out of balance. The disparity is very disturbing.

COLLINS: The establishment of the estate tax in 1916 was in a sense a response to the excesses of the first Gilded Age a century ago, that there was a social movement of farmers and workers, people like Andrew Carnegie and Teddy Roosevelt who said, we should have an estate tax because too much concentrated wealth is going to backfire and create an American aristocracy.

So both that and the circumstances of World War I led to the push for an estate tax. And here we are entering the second Gilded Age, a period of incredible dizzying inequality and also new obligations in terms of defense and security spending.

It's unprecedented to think about repealing a tax on the very wealthy in such a circumstance, and yet that's what is being talked about.

The fact that rich capitalists find themselves on the other side of people like the Club for Growth for me just goes to show me that the so called free market capitalists are really just Wall Street profiteers that are pushing for anything and everything that will drive a greater and greater concentration of wealth despite the possible result being the destruction of the very country that makes their fabulous wealth possible.


About Me

35 yr old
Highlands Ranch
Recording Engineer
Voted for Kerry
Voted for Obama
Philosophical Type
Omicron Male
Feminist Friendly
22.3% Less Smart

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