Dissolve into Evergreens
This blog used to be about politics. Not so much anymore as I have worked through my fascination with that subject. It now seems appropriate that with a new president and the end of the Bush nightmare that I move on to new subjects that are more in line with my current interests. I may still occasionally express an opinion about political matters but for the most part I will be commenting on music, photography and personal observations. Thank you for reading.

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What's it all about?

It inevitably happens. Every blogger eventually sits down to write a post and thinks to himself "What do I have to offer that nobody else has said before, and that they haven't said better than I have already?"

This isn't one of those moments. I never harbored any illusions about my relative importance. It seems that in this day and age its nearly impossible to just stumble upon something new and inventive, though that possibility still exists.

Normally, being the over-analytical person that I am, I have something to say, but lately I have just been feeling pretty content. I could write yet another post about how horrible Bush has been, but that's besides the point and I don't feel I'm going to far when I say that if you're still supporting this loser then you have some cross-wiring in your common sense circuits.

I like the warm weather and I feel it makes me more optimistic. Right now the only thing that really bums me out is the oil leak my car has developed and the fact that I still haven't found the awesome girl of my dreams. But I take both of those in stride and otherwise life is pretty good. I still chafe at all the injustice I see around me but for a while at least I'll just let it slide.

I took some pictures tonight downtown, with my film camera even... so I'll see about swinging by a lab tomorrow and getting those developed. I don't have a scanner... maybe I should get one? That way I can share some photos from my pre-digital days. Maybe I'll look at some prices before work.

Man... my sleep routine is all out of whack!


About Me

35 yr old
Highlands Ranch
Recording Engineer
Voted for Kerry
Voted for Obama
Philosophical Type
Omicron Male
Feminist Friendly
22.3% Less Smart

Any Box


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Dissolve into Evergreens