Dissolve into Evergreens
This blog used to be about politics. Not so much anymore as I have worked through my fascination with that subject. It now seems appropriate that with a new president and the end of the Bush nightmare that I move on to new subjects that are more in line with my current interests. I may still occasionally express an opinion about political matters but for the most part I will be commenting on music, photography and personal observations. Thank you for reading.

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A couple of things...

Ever notice how rabid right wingers hate (with a passion) uppity women? They seem to actually believe that Hillary Clinton will be the Vice Presidential running mate AND that she secretly plans to kill John Kerry in his sleep once elected. Why? So she can claim the mantle of leader of the One World Government (cue scary organ music), proving she is the anti-Christ and bringing about the End Times.

And when they wanted to smear John Kerry's anti-war activities a doctored photo of him near Jane Fonda surfaced on the net.

Gasp! Another uppity women.

I guess Jane Fonda wasn't the anti-Christ after all... and Hillary didn't steal the Democratic nomination either. (If only being wrong acted as a future deterrent.)

In their eyes feminism is responsible for the downfall of civilization. Because, in case you haven't noticed, civilization has fallen down around our ears.

You mean you haven't?

Me either... I kinda like things the way they are, sans Patriot Act, George W. Bush being president and invading Iraq.

So maybe Jane was the Anti-Christ and we have been living in the tribulation since the sixties? That would explain a few things. Why Pat Robertson is still here, and such.... reality shows?


I've done a little marketing work for the Bushies. I have decided that they should adopt the term "Guided Democracy" to explain how we will be "freeing" the Iraqis but still retaining the right to veto their choices, should they decide to kick us out.

Its like Guided Meditation.

(said in a soft, gentle voice)

"We are there to guide them. If they should get lost on their way to freedom we will be there to help them get back on the right path. Our gentle hands will embrace them like a new baby bird. We are the training wheels, but they are peddling the bike."

We'll get Bremer some flowing white robes and he can grow out a beard. With some practice he can even master that "spaced out" non-blinking look that some new age gurus have.

"We're not occupiers, we're mentors, guides, helping hands... friends of democracy.

Friends with armored vehicles and a swarm of hired mercenaries.

But friends nonetheless."


After searching for a copy of Joseph Arthur's "Redemption's Son" throughout Tulsa, I decided to finally order it. It arrived in today's mail. I had downloaded many of the songs but now I have a legit copy and new songs to boot.

Life is good

(sans Patriot Act, George W. Bush being president and invading Iraq of course)


About Me

35 yr old
Highlands Ranch
Recording Engineer
Voted for Kerry
Voted for Obama
Philosophical Type
Omicron Male
Feminist Friendly
22.3% Less Smart

Any Box


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Dissolve into Evergreens