Dissolve into Evergreens
This blog used to be about politics. Not so much anymore as I have worked through my fascination with that subject. It now seems appropriate that with a new president and the end of the Bush nightmare that I move on to new subjects that are more in line with my current interests. I may still occasionally express an opinion about political matters but for the most part I will be commenting on music, photography and personal observations. Thank you for reading.

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Breaking News: John Edwards = Satan
Kerry announced his VP pick this morning and I can just faintly hear the wheels of the right wing attack machine grinding in his direction. If reading through the right wing sites this morning is any indication, there has been no official memo sent out yet. Most are just talking about his lack of experience and his general trail lawyer evilness.

But never fear, the opposition research guys are no doubt on the case and will be coming up with some insignificant episode that can be blown way out of proportion.

Why do I say this? Well, the RW still has some hangup with Kerry and Ketchup, go figure? Its not like we'll be invading any countries to get access to their tomatoes.

Edwards just doesn't inspire the kind of mouth foaming hatred as Dean or Gephardt. I've even read a few favorable remarks amongst the RW comments. Charm has that effect on people, you hate that you like him. Edward's rhetoric during the primary was very geared towards addressing class conflict, with his "two Americas" theme, more so than Dean who was derided as a moonbat socialist. Public perception colors people's view of the message.

Its a shame really.

I'll be going to see "that fat man's" movie today. I may or may not write about it.

A short f-911 review

I guess being a political junkie took most of the fun out of the Michael Moore movie. With all this talk about how powerful the film is, I was expecting more. Hell, he could have spent an hour just on Bush's rise to power.

A few key points:

  • Damaged the image of Bush as "War Leader" and "Strong Father" with Bush's own words and actions.

  • Exposed the loyalties of the Bush family and VP Cheney : Money.

  • Showed that opposing this unnecessary war can be patriotic and supportive of the troops.

  • Contrasted the millions spent on foreign invasions vs. the pittance spent on actual homeland security.

  • All in all, its information you should have already been exposed to. But alas, most people have not.

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    About Me

    35 yr old
    Highlands Ranch
    Recording Engineer
    Voted for Kerry
    Voted for Obama
    Philosophical Type
    Omicron Male
    Feminist Friendly
    22.3% Less Smart

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